Fraud investigations - Internet and investment scams
It is not just business owners who are becoming paranoid over the rise in the number of fraud cases over the past few years. Private individuals are also being targeted with increasing numbers through the use of clever scams to trick them out of their money.
More people today than ever before face the risk of being scammed out of money or information through use of: Bogus Representatives, Counterfeit Goods, Online Dating Scams, Identity Theft, Fraudulent Bank and PayPal Accounts etc. Especially when people have control of their retirement funds.
But how can you better protect yourself from the risks of fraud? Sometimes an opportunity can really be too good to be true, but how do you know a genuine offer from a fake one? Very often a fake one will only prove to be face a year or so down the line, in this case it would take time and effort to try and track down the person or people accountable.
Our investigators can help to prevent fraud from happening in the first instance. We can work with you to evaluate a situation before you financially commit yourself but if its too late and money has been passed over, we may still be able to track them down.
Certain types of fraud are hard to spot, but with our years of experience and expertise dealing with the many clever ways criminals use to scam money out of you, our help can be invaluable. We always advise people to take a measure of caution and have any vague situations thoroughly checked out to make sure they are legitimate.
The detection of false information by Fraud Investigators is fast becoming an industry. If someone offers you a deal that looks too good to be true, the chances are – it is! The modern-day consumer and a surprising number of businesses up and down the country have been falling victim to fraudsters and the following for years.
- Investment scams
- Marriage and relationship fraud
- Benefits and employment fraud
- Phishing
- Vishing
- Pension scams
- Advance - fee fraud
- Pharming
- Smishing
- Computer software fraud
- Door to door scams
- Internet scams
- Dating scams
- Safe account scams
- Or any type of suspicious activity that has you concerned
We can help pursue a criminal investigation by providing supporting evidence, if you choose to take legal action.
Link Investigations have worked with a number of companies, organisations, and private individuals over many years helping them with their fraud issues. We can help you too. We are only a phone call away!
We treat every case seriously and with the utmost confidence.
If you need help, please call us on 0800 1583683, or you can email us at info@linkinvestigations.co.uk Alternatively, you can use the Contact Page to send us a message, and your query will be met with a swift response.